The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57420   Message #904076
Posted By: *daylia*
05-Mar-03 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: As Above So Below
Subject: RE: Tech: As Above So Below
"How do you deal with a pain in the ass, and not become one yourself?"

Good question, and one I've dealt with quite a bit! Gonna ponder it as I shovel the darn drive again Joe. But for now, this is what I've come up with to date:

Practice being grounded and centered.

Keep the focus on who I am and what I want to create in my life.

Know what my 'boundaries' are, and exercise them - with love - as required.

Practice emotional detachment. I'm not responsible for any thoughts, feelings or behaviors except my own, cuz those are the only ones I can control and change. Others simply can't "upset me" unless I allow that to happen. My feelings come from my thoughts, and only I choose my thoughts!

Practice the art of humour - especially at myself! "Against the assault of laughter, no-thing can stand!" (I forget who said that, sorry.)

Say this affirmation a LOT when things get rough (thank you SO MUCH, Louise Hay):

"I love myself, and so I now choose to think and behave in a loving way toward ALL people, for I know that whatever I send out returns to me multiplied."

I use that like a mantra sometimes, almost like self-hypnosis or something, till I can settle myself down.

And I really like this Ann Lander's suggestion - before you say anything to anyone, ask yourself 3 questions. Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? If you can answer 'yes' to all three, say it. If not, button it buster!
