The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57483   Message #904285
Posted By: Amos
05-Mar-03 - 06:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should this be an 'anything goes' forum?
Subject: RE: BS: Should this be an 'anything goes' forum?
There is only so much bandwidth and so much storage space; the user interface can only support so much inspection of topics. I personally am relieved to see a bit less of the psycho, the delusory, and the completely trivial, but I support the right of any person to communicate on any topic. The only criteria I think should be used is whether there is or is not an intention to communicate. Starting a thread about the color of my toothbrush is NOT, IMHO, an effort to communicate, it is an effort to act out a desperate hunger for attention, which is quite different. Speaking with passion can always communicate, but speaking with hatred tends not to because no-one wants to take it on board.

I think Joe is doing a reasonable job of providing the minimal limits for the maximum good, and I support him in doing so. Communication channels break down when they get swamped with irrelevancy or negativity and it is most unfair to the majority to flood their forum with anti-communication traffic such as "My Moggies Toes", "Hatred is Everywhere", and "Your Government is Trying to Kill You".