The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44539   Message #904453
Posted By: GUEST,Julia
05-Mar-03 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Gloomy Winter's Now Awa'
Subject: Lyr Add: GLOOMY WINTER'S NO AWA (Fred Gosbee)
Here in Maine:

Gloomy Winter's NO awa'
(by Fred Gosbee)

Gloomy winter's no awa
Snell the nor'land wind does blaw
Noo ance mair my pipes tae thaw
I fire my wee-bit torch-i-o

Tho' we pit them in wi' care
There's a pairt wha maun bide bare
Sae wi' mony a winze an' swear
I squattle 'neath the porch-i-o

I maun gae oot altho I ken
The wather's minus twintie-yin
Wi' snaw an gowstie wheeplin wind;
Hit disnae please me well-i-o

This comes o me ilka year
Yet ae kynd howp I culyie dear
Whan I quat this mortal sphere
There's nae gealt pipes in hell-i-o