The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #904975
Posted By: Bobert
06-Mar-03 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
Well, RR, you weren't too far off with your "Red List" as this was a list of folks who were *thought* to have communist leanings and Communists = reds in a lot of folks minds. There are even historical references to back up the "reds" in the Rissian Revolution (reds v. whites) and lets not forget Chairman Mao's "Red Book".

As fir demonstartions, yesterday was a day on demonstrations by students who walked out of classes all over the world in a *strike* against the war. These demonstartions occured in over 300 colleges and universities in the US as well as hundreds of public schools.

Anyone wishing to read more about the deatils of the demonstrations can go to:

There are some other interesting articles in today's Post. One about China now alligning itself with Russia, France and Germany. There is also an *Analysis" which is pretty darned scarey in that the military leaders of the US, while having major reservations about the wisdom of attacking Iraq, are now just tired of all the jokeying and would just rather get it started now rather than wait.

As for the rice? Maybe we could just mail them a *rock* which would make a statement about the intellegence, or lack thereof, of Bush's foreign policy.

Dumb as a box of rocks!

