The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #905028
Posted By: katlaughing
06-Mar-03 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
Rustic, thanks so much for the truthout link! Look what I found there: HOPE! From the beginning of an article on Powell telling the shrub he will lose:

Tuesday 4 March 2003

Senior aides to President George W. Bush say he faces a humiliating defeat before the United Nations Security Council next week.

    And signs emerged today that the U.S. may withdraw the resolution from security council consideration.
Secretary of State Colin Powell, fresh from his latest round of meetings with representatives of countries on the Security Council, delivered the bad news to Bush on Monday.

    "You will lose, Mr. President," Powell told Bush. "You will lose badly and the United States will be humiliated on the world stage."

    Powell told Bush he has only four of the nine votes needed for approval of a second resolution. As a result, some White House advisors are now urging the President to back off his tough stance on war with Iraq and give UN weapons inspectors more time.

    "We have no other choice," admits one.