The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21101   Message #905365
Posted By: Sam L
07-Mar-03 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Magic Tricks
Subject: RE: BS: Magic Tricks
Well, I tried this once before and my post didn't take.

I did magic quite a lot as a kid, and one of my favorite bits was the one where a full wine glass appears in your hand, in a strange animated way, from under a handkercheif or cloth.

   You get a wine glass, a plastic one may work, a piece of thin rubber to fit over the top, held on by a rubber band. That will contain the juice or wine or whatever. And you have to make a little wire clip to hang the glass upside-down from your belt, behing your back. It has to come off easy.

It's clever and artful--I was always disappointed in tricks that were only one or the other, no matter how good they looked. You show your hands are empty. You show both sides of the cloth--a bit carefully, deliberately, and while you do this one hand lifts the wine glass and brings it under the cloth, held upside-down between the fingers so the base lies flat on your open palm.

   Then it's fun to clasp your palm in little teasing motions, making the glass come upright as if materializing. The rubber and rubber band snatch off and away as you take off the cloth. Full wine glass.