The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57277   Message #905427
Posted By: leprechaun
07-Mar-03 - 02:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Feds Bust Bong Sellers
Subject: RE: BS: Feds Bust Bong Sellers
Isn't it a horrible thing to have an innocent plant so degraded and maligned? How distressing that a plant, made by nature, should be subjected to such obloquy by mere humans. Here's a plant that is so useful for food, medicine, fiber...why, there are hundreds of uses, and the native Americans weren't reluctant to use it. Of course I'm talking about, Typhacaeae Latifolia, more commonly known as the cattail.

Unfortunately ther's no part of that plant you can smoke to get high. That's why there isn't a multi-million dollar industry making cattail wallets for junior high kids to carry around. You won't find scratchy, coarse, ugly skirts and pants made from cattails being sold in head shops. Woody Harrelson won't be holding any rallys to promote the industrial use of cattails, and he won't be making ludicrous assertions that we can save all the old growth forests if we just start making paper out of cattails.

There may have been a time when hemp was a legitimate industrial material, but that time is long passed. There's no paper, cloth or ropw you can make hemp that can't be made better and cheaper with other materials. If the plant didn't get you high, Woody Harrelson and half a million hippies in scratchy clothes wouldn't give a shit about hemp.
