The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #905570
Posted By: katlaughing
07-Mar-03 - 11:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
DougR, here's a report, Collateral Damage:
the health and environmental costs of war on Iraq.

Here's the most relevant paragraph:

Researched and written by health professionals, this evidence-based report examines the likely impact of a new war on Iraq from a public health perspective. Credible estimates of the total possible deaths on all sides during the conflict and the following three months range from 48,000 to over 260,000. Civil war within Iraq could add another 20,000 deaths. Additional later deaths from post-war adverse health effects could reach 200,000. If nuclear weapons were used the death toll could reach 3,900,000. In all scenarios the majority of casualties will be civilians.

There is much more to it than that. I hope you will give it a read.
