The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #905587
Posted By: Bobert
07-Mar-03 - 11:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace

Dougie don't care if we gotta kill every last Iraqi so they can be liberated. Yeah, liberated from... ahhh, life!

Come on, Dougie, this is youn ol' buddy Bobert here. Not some bum from the corner! But me, brother. Do you really believe any of this carp that you write?

Like sanctions? Yeah, they have been a real picnic to the Iraqi people! No, they haven't. The Iraqi people have suffered greatly from the sanctions. But if Bush gets up and pumps out his lieing chest and says otherwise, you are gonna believe, ahhhh, this guy? Really? This guy? Come on! You are smarter than this, my friend. Can't you see that Bush is playing a pair of 2's? No? Well, I don't beleive you, so there! You are smarter than that! Come out from behind that big ol' *partiasn* shield and join the real world which, I might add, thinks that you guy has a serious credibility situation...

But I still love ya', even if you have a head of granite...
