The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57277   Message #905798
Posted By: *daylia*
09-Mar-03 - 09:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Feds Bust Bong Sellers
Subject: RE: BS: Feds Bust Bong Sellers
Jenny, maybe you folk down under know how to make hemp clothes! Honestly, the stuff sold here in Barrie Ont looks like it's made out of bailing twine and feels about as pleasant. Most of it looks like a Grade 8 HomeEc class did the cutting and sewing. Is your hemp clothes 100% hemp, or is it combined with cotton or some other fiber for a softer feel and better fit?

People's tastes vary in what smells good too. A few people I know like patchouli oil, but I can't get away from it fast enough. The Hemp stuff smells similiar - to me, anyway.

I'd like to see it legalized, the crime-gangs put out of business. I remember a few teens and young adults murdered here over the last couple decades because they owed drug money to the wrong person. What a waste.

And I'd like to see the plant used for purposes other than just getting high. Like making paper. I've seen the vast tracks clear-cut forests a few times driving across this great country of mine - especially in BC and northern Ontario. The devastation angers me and breaks my heart. Even if paper manufacturers used 50% hemp, 50% wood it would help, imo.

There were a lot of lay-offs in logging industry on Vancouver Island last winter, due to the squabble over soft-wood taxes with the US.
I was almost relieved, though.   Vancouver Island is one of the few places left in North America where Bald Eagles nest. But between the loggers felling the ancient trees (nests and all!) and the pollution from the fishing industry, they are becoming an endangered species there as well. People just don't seem to care at all.

Most days, I like the eagles better!   ;)

Sorry bout the 'drift there - daylia