The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57478   Message #906155
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
09-Mar-03 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: Your Favourite Hymn
Subject: RE: Your Favourite Hymn
A 'Filk' (see elsewhere) was forthcoming for the British Filk convention 'Contabile Fortean'(the fourteanth British Filkcon). Just to give some background, a TV show based on the ideas of Charles Fort was shown in Britain (on channel 4) with Fr. Lionel Fanthorpe as presenter (an Anglican priest who rides a 'Harley' and is listed as the most prolific Sci Fi writer).

"There is a Fortean TV show,
Devised by father Lionel.
The truths of which we'll never know,
Or if we know, can never tell.
It tells of mis-shaped buns;
With features like a nuns.
Not raining cats and dogs,
But raining showers of frogs.
Is there a French Connection?"

An early show in the series had both a French 'pain' looking like Mother Theresa, and 'showers' of various animals and fish.

However, the main reason for writing the 'filk' was the title of the tune. The song title would become 'Great Fort', and the tune 'A Stronghold Sure'

Admittedly an atrocious pun. But what else do you expect ?

The subsequent verses are awaiting a listing of the subjects covered in the shows.
