The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57560   Message #906165
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
09-Mar-03 - 08:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who's gonna beat Bush... and make peace?
Subject: RE: BS: Who's gonna beat Bush... and make peace?
It'll all depend on the repercussions or lack thereof of Mr. Bush's War.

If the war goes smoothly with minimal casualties, minimal alienation of foreign governments, no major terrorist reprisals and if Dubya is able to keep the flag-waving at a fevered pitch.... The Democrats could nominate Jesus Christ himself and not stand a chance.

If the war goes smoothly and Dubya is not able to orchestrate a new binge of patriotism (remember that George I won the war but lost the election).... The Democrats stand a chance and I'll be a sentimental Floridian and toss Bob Graham's name into the hat.

If the war goes badly with lots of kids flying home in body bags, revenge terrorist attacks and a lot of people saying "We told you so!".... The Democrats could nominate my pet pig "Slim" and win.

Of course, there is the slimmest possibility that Dubya may listen to the voice of world opinion and back down from his war plans.... If he does, I may vote for the fucker myself.

But there is also the possibility that Dubya may invoke marshal law, suspend the Constitution and proclaim himself King.... In that case there won't be an election, will there?
