The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55055   Message #906506
Posted By: GUEST,Dreaded Guest
10-Mar-03 - 10:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: US torture
Subject: RE: BS: US torture
You people have no idea what is about to hit you. Evil is about to crush you like a jet-powered die press. GWBush's grandfather had to be arrested to stop him from running Hitler's steel industry, and then after WW2, the Bushes REALLY got busy with the Nazis. You are all going to be dead in ten years. Compliments of the Bushes and your unwillingness to confront them in any real way. (And voting for Clinton didn't count, because he's just their #1 cocaine runner). I'd pity you folks, but it'd be like feeling sorry for the deer in the headlights. GWBush is the murderer of Sept 11, and the only way to stop your deaths is to tell everyone you know that GWBush is the murderer of Sept 11. There is no other way. His most open crime has to be broken out of congressional committee and exposed to the light of day. Forget about the Iraq diversion...focus on Sept 11. The Bushes were the masterminds, and they cannot survive an investigation. If you do not do this, you will all be dead in ten years, and your children will be working in govt whorehouses.