The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57355   Message #907058
Posted By: GUEST,Kiwi Guest
11-Mar-03 - 12:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq and 'Just War' theory
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq and 'Just War' theory
I've said this before and been rubbished, But I believe that the CIA had an organising role in Sept 11th. The reason was for the States to gain the high moral ground in order to carry out it's domination plan. Oil control is primarily about aircraft ie military use.
And I believe that ultimately the whole deal is to do with the emergence of China as the world's next major ecconomic and military power. Bush and his mates have already done some pretty underhanded things ( He wasn't even elected democratically)and will continue to do so. Anybody who is right wing is only concerned with self interest. People don't makes lots of money by working hard. They make it by using other people. Basically they are what we call barstards. Why has Bush sought to put himself out side the control of the world war crimes courts?   
Remember that an animal is most dangerous when it is wounded or it's position is threatened. That's the position that I see the States being in today, hence the reaction.
The more I see this developing, the more sure I am that this whole business is a very complex conspiracy.
Right wing Christian doctrine is completely opposed to the teachings of Christ. (And I don't claim to be a Christian) Basically you are either one or the other.