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Thread #57623   Message #907195
Posted By: Teribus
11-Mar-03 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Tony Blair a lying sack of shit?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Tony Blair a lying sack of shit?
Thanks for the link Kevin, quite interesting:

Taking a look at the results garnered by this poll of 2,044 people you have:
- 57% against a war with Iraq;
- 58% of whom disapprove of the way Tony has handled it;
- 71% of whom disapprove of the way George W Bush has handled it;
- 65% do not trust the UK Government to tell them the truth about Saddam Hussein and terrorism on this issue;
- 65% are against the UK providing troops for a US-led war without UN backing;


- 71% of those polled said that they were in favour of the UK providing troops for a US-led war against Iraq with UN backing.

The last one seems to be a whale of an about turn for a group of people, the majority of whom, are against the war, who believe that it has been seriously mishandled, and, who don't trust their Government to tell them the truth. But if the UN says its OK are fully prepared to not only go along with it but actively endorse it - amazing, utterly amazing.

What evidence, or arguements do they think that the UN is supplied with that is being with-held from them?