The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57266   Message #907204
Posted By: greg stephens
11-Mar-03 - 08:02 AM
Thread Name: Thread Proliferation Control
Subject: RE: Thread Proliferation Control
I shared Wolfgang's experience, coming to Mudcat a while back and thinking "where have all the Iraq threads gone?". I just assumed, with a sigh of relief, that people got bored. Then I discovered after a couple of days in newly separated BS section. Well, obviously this must have been well-trhrashed out before the decision was made, and I havent got time to read all the posts in this thread. But as I wasnt around for the discussions, I'll put my opinion here, too late, but there you go.
I preferred it when all the threads were mixed together. I believe there was always a facility to filter out BS threads if you wanted to. I think this division is separating peopel into two categories. I have been posting to discussions on music threads and kind of missing familiar names who I would have expected to be adding stuff. Only to find the people are still around, but gabbinbg away down in BS land. Sure all those Iraq and PEL threads were a pain, but who was made to read them? Nobody.
   I think a Mudcat divided into separate piles is like spearate heaps of ingredients: not at all the same as a square meal.