The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57636   Message #907238
Posted By: DonMeixner
11-Mar-03 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Let me tell you about Andy
Subject: BS: Let me tell you about Andy
I find it remarkablly odd that my old friend Andy would be in the place of mind and being he is today.

He and I are both in our veryearlt 50's and we lived the sixties and seventies and survived both intact. We have families and friends altho' time has split us up by years and miles and we seldom ever talk anymore.

During the Viet Nam war there was no stronger advocate for peace than Andy. He carried the signs, became a CO and protested along with the rest of us. He had no strong religious leanings and attended church even less than I did.

Now I learned from mutual friends that Andy has become a devout born again Christian, polically very conservative and is in full support of the war with Iraq. ( I support the possibility of a war as well but the buzz word is possibility.)

It wonders me that someone who had no religious affiliation could be on the front lines of the peace movement as one of the many unknown but serving people and now testifies to his love of the Prince of Peace and yet is willing to sacrifice for a dubious war.
