The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57510   Message #907322
Posted By: stevetheORC
11-Mar-03 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: What in Baseball is an RBI???
Subject: RE: BS: What in Baseball is an RBI???
Was there ever any question of his integraty whilst he was a player?
I was under the impression that he was a manager at the time?

If he is such a bad example why do the HOF still show items that he donated 20+ i believe. I would imagine that gambling still continues in baseball as it does in every other sport.

All that I am saying is why continue to be vindictive towards him, He admitted to all other charges against him and did his time. To this day He denies the betting, yet if he was to say ok yep i did it the chances are that he would be reinstated why has he not done this?

When he played did he conduct himself well, was he a team player, did he play to win? Did he contribute to the overall wellbeing of the sport.

What he did as a manager should not reflect on what he did as a player.

I rest my case for the defence:-))

I just think the guy was a great player:-))

Orc's Rule