The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57266   Message #907465
Posted By: The Shambles
11-Mar-03 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: Thread Proliferation Control
Subject: RE: Thread Proliferation Control
Tell the people at the neighbouring table in a Cafe that they are too noisy they often jump on you at first (verbally) but, in the long run, most of them will make the Cafe more agreeable for others by calming down a bit.

Wolfgang, I have a lot of respect for your views but we must go to different watering holes. The table you refer to may will calm down on its own in time, but the course of action you advise, is more likely to make things worse. You will be told to mind your own business and they would be right, as it would be the management's business to deal with this. And you could always just leave them to it.

The anology is also faulty, as in order to hear the Mudcat 'noise', you have to open the offending thread, unless it is just the 'noise' of other people's thread titles that offend. If it is this or the fact the the threads are on subjects that have been well-covered before, then perhaps is showing tolerence a better and fairer option than expecting other peoples' 'Pet' threads to be controlled?

Fairness and tolerence used to be things you would always find on this forum, sadly it appears to have been replaced by something else..........Can we possibly give this BS split a chance to bring these qualities back, before we just carry on minding everyone else's business and fighting shadows?