The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19722 Message #907473
Posted By: Leadfingers
11-Mar-03 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Jolly Rogues of Lynn
Subject: RE: song info: Jolly Rogues of Lynn
And of course Ron Shuttleworth wrote a lovely VERY right wing parody in the mid eighties,having a go at the extremist activities during the miners strike:-
When King Arthur ruled South Yorks He ruled it like a Turk He drove three brothers out of the union Because they dared to work
The first two went below To make sure the roof was sound And the third he as the winder to bring His brothers from underground
And I am damned if i can remember the las verse at the moment. I will have to look it up and shove it in for all you hard line Union men to have a moan about.