The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57510   Message #907489
Posted By: Ron Olesko
11-Mar-03 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: What in Baseball is an RBI???
Subject: RE: BS: What in Baseball is an RBI???
Orc, he could be as bad as I make him out!   :)

My Nixon analogy was only half in jest. Nixon received a very controversial pardon and it depends on who you talk to when you say he was looked upon as an elder statesman. Other then writing books and a few interviews, Nixon retired - right here in New Jersey.   My point was that Nixon and Rose abused their stature. They both felt their status enabled them to be above the "normal" rules.

Whether or not Rose bet for or against the Reds is irrelevant. The Major League Baseball Rules at the time forbid illegal betting of any kind, and Rose admitted that he bet on football and basketball. That alone is grounds for banishment based on the rules he agreed to when he signed his contract.

These were not nickel and dime bets. Read the evidence and look at his signature on large checks to "runners". He did everything he could to hide the evidence, which he freely admits.   He was dealing with some dangerous people as well.   If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

Rose was selected by the fans to be honored in the two ceremonies that you mentioned. Fan votes are very misleading - it is easy to stuff the ballot box and but in an "undeserving" winner. I voted for Ed Kranepool.   I am not trying to deny that Rose did not deserve to be honored and that I am probably in the minority on this issue. (A small issue to be sure in this day and age. I just read a poll that most Americans actually SUPPORT a war with Iraq. Sickening.) Rose WAS an exciting ballplayer and he certainly has the skills to be in the HOF.   However, if the HOF is to have any meaning it must be more than that. Yes, there are a number of individuals in there that do not belong. That doesn't make it right to continue lowering standards.

If Rose was mislead by his lawyers, tough. You get what you pay for. Ignorance of the law is no excuse as they say.

IF Rose were to be reinstated, then every single case needs to be reopened. The lessons learned from the Black Sox scandal (which was one of many - the White Sox were the biggest story but betting and throwing games was common)are being completly ignored.

Rose is not a hero. He is a liar, a cheat, and a whiner. Loser.

Why is that we are more forgiving of the sins of sports stars?
