The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57527   Message #908869
Posted By: Deni-C
13-Mar-03 - 05:10 AM
Thread Name: Booking Sucks!
Subject: RE: Booking Sucks!
Reggie, talking the way you do, you'll only take a couple of days. Your prose fair springs off the page. I bet you're already a success.....

So at the end of all this, Jed, look what you've got. you've made a few new friends, a few more people have heard your name (if it's your real one).

Hoovers suck
babies suck

booking is a challenge. It's quite enjoyable really......get on that phone and think, how much I love this job and feel what a difference it'll make to results.

ouch!!!!! Oh GOD, you didn't have to THROW something at me.......


Mad Rush