The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40145   Message #909274
Posted By: Coyote Breath
13-Mar-03 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: Civil War- excerpt on Quantrell & KS
Subject: RE: Civil War- excerpt on Qauntrell & KS
Kat; I strongly urge that you rent the film "Ride With The Devil". Of course it is fiction and more sympathetic to the Southron cause than "The Longriders" which is a short take on the "outlaws" of Missouri (sometimes called The Outlaw State). The music is good (though Ry Cooder left out Cole Younger's auto-biographical "confession" song which he performed at many a county fair after his release from prison)and includes an on-camera (but too brief) performance of "I'm a Good Old Rebel" by Mitch Greenhill.

Ride With the Devil's music is quite nice as well and it has Toby McGuire, Jewel and Skeet Ulrich as stars and was directed by Ang Lee!

I am just starting to read a biography of Jesse James (Last Rebel of the Civil War) by T.J. Stiles. The basic premise of the book is James (and others of less criminal repute) was literally continuing the war with a hope of re-establishing at least a remnant Confederacy.

Here in rural Missouri, these matters still generate lively and partisan discussions.

"Gods and Generals" has been well received here as well.