The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57687   Message #909437
Posted By: Jimmy C
13-Mar-03 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: PLEASE HELP! (from a Moscow lass) Irish quiz query
Subject: RE: PLEASE HELP! (from a Moscow lass) Irish quiz query
On the first day of Spring, many Celts prepared for sowing and other food production activities, although some did this on the 2nd, such as in parishes dedicated to St. Bride where no work was done on that day, only invocations to her. Omens giving clues about the forthcoming spring were looked for in the weather, tides, movement and behavious of wildlife. In Ireland the turning of wheels was avoided on this day, so spiners, seamstresses, millers, carters and similar tradespeople would stop work. Even cycling was frowned opon. There would be no work done in parishes dedicated to this saint, such as in Dabhach Bride, in Liscannor, Co.Clare and in St Brigd's Stream, Faughart, Co. Louth.

In Scotland on Barra and other islands of the Outer Hebrides people would make Bride's Beds out of straw or rushes and implored Bride to come to the house and sleep there a night, to bring luck and fertility to the household. Local fishermen would cast lots for fishing banks on that day. ( from Chronicle of Celtic Folk Customs by Brian Day )

The matter of the handkerchiefs probably grew from the non turning of wheels and the custom of tying pieces of cloth to the tree near the well of St. Brigit, Faughart, Co. Louth. Having lived in Ireland for 25 years I never heard of this custom until this thread.

Slan , Spasiba ? and good luck to you Elena