The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57636   Message #909571
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
13-Mar-03 - 10:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Let me tell you about Andy
Subject: RE: BS: Let me tell you about Andy
Reading this thread makes me smile, and remember when my sons were growing up. When they'd make some broad pronouncement that lumped everyone together (why is it that 95% of generalities are judgmental?) I'd say in my best radio announcer voice, "According to a recent, nationwide poll..." and then let my voice tail off. They got the point. They were taking the most selective personal sampling of a group and generalizing the perceived worst qualities to extend to everyone in that category. They seem much less prone to do that now.

And I'm all with you, Khandu. Not everyone who calls themselves a Christian is one. You can call yourself a chocolate milk shake, but that doesn't make you one.
