The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49729 Message #909583
Posted By: Walking Eagle
13-Mar-03 - 10:30 PM
Thread Name: Martin Guitars again!
Subject: RE: Martin Guitars again!
Shoot, pushed the wrong button again. I've not experienced any action that was too high.
Both of mine came with the end pins, but no neck pins. Martin prefers that you be able to put the neck pin where you want it. When you put in a neck pin, be sure and put a felt washer between your neck and the bottom part of the pin. Are you sure that it wasn't a neck pin you weren't sent rather than an end pin?
Now from here on, it's just me smarting off. I've played many good guitars before and have complimented the owners on the many fine points of their instruments. Believe me, when you're a leftie, you don't have much of a chance to play other good leftie guitars. I never 'dis' another's guitar. Seems to me, the Martin owners on these threads are polite and never 'dis' another guitar. I can't seem to say that about owners of other brands. We all like our guitars for whatever reasons. 'Dissing' is not needed and is uncalled for.