The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57510   Message #909621
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
13-Mar-03 - 11:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: What in Baseball is an RBI???
Subject: RE: BS: What in Baseball is an RBI???
Rick, remember the movie diner and the one character who would only get married if his fiancee passed a quiz about the Baltimore Colts?   Let's just say that my wife scored 100 when quizzed about the NY Mets.

We were both rabid fans. We named our daughter Casey (after Stengel). When my wife was giving birth, we were watching a Mets game on TV. I will never forget, without the help of any drugs, she was in the middle of a contraction doing her breathing (and screaming!) and suddenly one of the Mets hit a home run. She actually was able to turn her head to watch the TV and give out a shout of "go go go" during the contraction.

The amazing thing is we both lost interest. I still go to games but not like before.   The biggest factor was our family, which obviously takes priority.   The baseball strikes also put in perspective how ludicrious the players and owners have become.   It just isn't the same. The whole "forgive Pete Rose" movement is just another example of how fans get suckered into the money game. It is a real shame.

Still we have great memories.   You can't change that!
