The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38173   Message #910205
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
14-Mar-03 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat 5 - Space Rangers of the NYCFTTS
Subject: RE: Mudcat 5 - Space Rangers of the NYCFTTS
The vid-screen which took up most of the wall started to swirl in patterns approximating to this year's latest call warning just before the strains of "All along the Watchtower" announced that a message was arriving.
Instead of a face appearing on screen there was suddenly a gigantic lobe. Earl realised that the caller was the town joker, Yodler. Not the most welcome visitor at the best of times....... "Shhhhh!!! - Walls have Ears!" was his opening comment.
"Have you heard the news from sector thirteen?", he continued, the focus of the vid-lens slowly panning out to frame his whole face. It wasn't much of an improvement of the previously cauliflowered ear. A face too pale for the climate, with a nose overly bulbous and reddened, lips puffed up and showing the distinctive colour from chewing Betel nut, this years fashionable addiction. His hair, too long, and tinged green, probably the result of a power failure at the hairdresser's (drunken barber that he is). "They say that something strange has been found there.....", "Very hush,hush, but I reckon it's something you ought to check out. Sounds like there may be profits for both of us if we play it canny!"
The face started to fade from the screen, but not before a parting comment rang out, "I'll get back to you when I know some more!". It went dead.....