The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49729 Message #910565
Posted By: GUEST,
15-Mar-03 - 06:31 AM
Thread Name: Martin Guitars again!
Subject: RE: Martin Guitars again!
I think Ya might have mispoke a little bit there Strupag maybe buy an insturment for it's sound rather than it's name. But if you want value you need the name too. I have a beautiful Takamini Jumbo Natural bought in the eighties for 700dollars value today maybe 500. My 1965 Martin D28 sold for 375 in 1965 value today according to my luthier $5000.00 I'd say that was a pretty good value wouldn't you? Now if your talkin sound there are great guitars that don't have the name but if your talkin value and keeping same ya just can't beat the names Martin, Gibson,Taylor etc etc.