The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57510   Message #910909
Posted By: GUEST,chinmusic
15-Mar-03 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: What in Baseball is an RBI???
Subject: RE: BS: What in Baseball is an RBI???
Here's a couple of more memories of mine, Rick, that I wonder if you recall about Maple Leaf Stadium. I couldn't afford the more expensive tickets back then, so I sat in the left field bleachers. Well, they always had a lot of betting going on up there, especially on Sunday afternoon doubleheaders. Do you remember the 6:00 curfew on Sundays, where no inning could start after that time? It was when the Church had an influence on society back then. How about the outfield signs, where a player could win a new suit if they hit the Tip Top Tailor Sign, or if you hit a ball through the 'O' in the StOney's sign, he might win $1000. How about the 'Bad Boy Sign', bless Mel Lastman's little heart. Then the was the guy who attended all Leaf games, and jumped on top of the dugout, and shouted various catcalls at the umpires, or visiting players. Max Patkin usually came to the ballpark once a year. I don't know if they still celebrate it in the majors, but they use to have 'Ladies Day' every so often, where mom or girlfriend, got in free. Finally, I went to more than a few games, where the fog would roll in off Lake Ontario and settle over the park, cancelling some games. Fond memories, indeed.