The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #911236
Posted By: Rustic Rebel
16-Mar-03 - 11:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
Good for you Bobert! Glad to hear you went for it and the march. Wasn't it just a gorgous day out there yesterday! It was here. About 50 degees F. and sun shine.
Ours was once again a small group of people. I'm guessing a little less than 50% of passing cars were for us and/or peace. I can definitely say we are a community divided on the issue. I was called a communist and didn't deserve to be living in this country. I was called wicked because I couldn't go for the fact that the will of god was to destroy a nation of people (some people!) And dig this- there was a group of young men, around 16 yr olds that came out and stood across the hwy. from us, protesting our protest. They chanted bomb Saddam. We had one encounter with the police. He drove up to us on the sidewalk and asked us if we were doing anything illegal! Ha! Of course our answer was no! But we weren't anyway. We made sure all was right. No parking or standing in private property was their main concern. So all in all another interesting day and I met a few more new friends.
Peace. Rustic