The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38173   Message #911347
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
16-Mar-03 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat 5 - Space Rangers of the NYCFTTS
Subject: RE: Mudcat 5 - Space Rangers of the NYCFTTS
Space rat felt overawed by the bar. It was his first visit, and he had only been recently initiated into the Free Iselene movement, who were allowed to hold meetings in a back room. There was nothing like this on his home moon. No wonder that the Iselene Authorities would like it closed. Although the secret airlocked bar was planetside, it's mere presence was felt to be a threat by the Authorities on the moon Iselene, who would rather it wasn't even in the same galaxy.
There is always an element of insecurity within the government of a small world which has declared it's independence from the parent planet. The struggle for an independent Iselene was at times bloody, and those who rose to power in the new regime, didn't have too many scruples concerning whose back the stilletto went into.
Most of the population were unaware of the intrigues of their leaders, and living on a frontier, were mostly idealists who would have been horrified by the truth. Space rat's father had been one of the revolutionaries who had been sold down the river by their successors. He was searching for those who might help restore his father's ideals, which had been so severely crushed. That, he reflected, was why the shuttered bar on the main planet contained such danger! The last thing a corrupt government wants is free thinkers............