The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57846   Message #912046
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
17-Mar-03 - 03:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions?
So far as I can see the inspectyion adn disarmament process was going ahead, and there was no reason to stop it at thsi stage and go to war.

However there is every mreason to think that at all stages Bush had this war scheduled for as soon as the military forces were in place, amnd that is now.

The nightmare for him would have been that Saddam would have been able to demonstrate that he had complied with the requirements, and I think that was probably the main factor in ruling out any further delays.

Maybe we'll now see whether Saddam actually has any Weapons of Mass Destruction at his disposal? If he doesn't unleash them do you think Bush and Blair will apologise? I imagine what would happen would be that they'd explain how their initial bombardment just happened to destroy them...

I suppose if there was a resolution becfore the Security Council condemning this attack as a breach of the United Nations Charter, which it clearly is, when the US and UK vetoed it, that would be what they call a reasonable use of the veto. Like all the many many previous times they've vetoed resolutions that woudl otherwise have been carried. (Notably in regard to Israel.)