The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57856 Message #912104
Posted By: Bonnie Shaljean
17-Mar-03 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: Looking For A Harp
Subject: RE: Looking For A Harp
Sylvia Woods Harp Center is at
Also check out Melody's Traditional Music in Texas at
The above are retail businesses. Another portal website (based in Seattle) is
and in Ireland & Scotland respectively there are (sometimes these go offline so keep trying if you get the dreaded This Page Cannot Be Found)
If you want to try to link up with other North Carolina harpers, I belong to a large active email forum devoted to harp, and if you PM me with an email address I can put it out on the jungle drum that you're looking for a harp buddy in your area to connect with (assuming that you are). Or you might want to join this list yourself?
Do find someone to advise you and to look at any harp you're interested in before you buy, just to make sure you're getting exactly the instrument you need. They DO vary, and what's perfect for one person may not be the asnwer for someone else. Best of luck!!