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Thread #57846   Message #912115
Posted By: CarolC
17-Mar-03 - 06:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions?
Here's an interesting article from the CBC. This article does a much better job of describing how I see things than the GUEST of 17 Mar 03 - 05:48 PM.

Reality Check: A New American Century

I'm not pro-Saddam or Arafat. I'm anti US as the dictator of a "benevolent global hegemony" (actual words of William Krystol, advisor to President Bush), and pro human rights.

of course, here in America, we have the right to dissent and freedom of speech.

Not for long, if the neo-Conservatives of this "Project for a New American Century" continue on the path they're taking.

I pray for the...liberation of the Iraqis from a dictator who has killed more than 1,500,000 of his own people since seizing power.

So are you for human rights, or against them, GUEST? You can't be both. You can only be for them, or against them. If you're for human rights, you are for human rights for all humans. Not just Americans and Israelis, and those being oppressed by Saddam Hussien. If you're not for the rights of all humans, then you're not for human rights. If you don't support basic human rights for all people of the world, then all you are is one of the people of privelege, seeking to protect that privelege.