The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57464   Message #912187
Posted By: Troll
17-Mar-03 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: No more human shields in Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: No more human shields in Iraq
You could very well be right. I'm a nationalist and if someone is going to be in charge, I would prefer that it be the US. The UN has not shown me a great deal over the last 50 years that would warrant its continued existance. Saddam Hussein is an excellent case in point. He has been allowed to flout the UN resolutions with impunity for 12 long years and now the US is being pilloried because its president is taking the steps that the UN hasn't had the guts to take.
If the UN was such a great humanitarian organization, there would not be 800,000 murdered men, women and children in Rwanda nor would there be chattel slavery in Sudan.
The UN is an expensive farce and has earned the contempt with which it is held around the world.
