The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57846   Message #912288
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Mar-03 - 12:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions?
I get the impression lately that G.W. is asking Iraq not merely to disarm its alleged weapons of "mass destruction" (which may very well not even exist) but to disarm, period...completely disarm his nation, in other words.

It's hard to figure why any country would be willing to do that with 250,000 hostile troops and the World's biggest military machine poised on its borders, with 2/3's of its airspace violated on a daily basis by hostile aircraft, and with direct attacks upon its ground installations having been conducted on a regular basis for the last 13 years.

It's incomprehensible that Iraq or anyone else would be willing to unilaterally disarm under such circumstances, unless they wished to simply surrender themselves unconditionally to a foreign occupying army without raising a hand in their own defence.

Amazing newspeak from Big Brother in the White House is what I call it. Truly amazing. What is more amazing is how few Americans are willing to recognize this kind of Nazi thug blackmail and arrogance for what it truly is.

There is anger out there in the World now. Tremendous anger. And disgust. I now understand how my father felt about the German Reich in 1939 to '45, after they had lied and bullied their way into Austria and Czechoslovakia, after they had smashed up small countries like Denmark, Holland, Norway, Yugoslavia, Greece, and Belgium, after they had violated and scorned every principle of diplomacy and common moral conduct...and with an utterly breathless sense of their own moral superiority! I understand perfectly how he felt. He was ready to do anything to stop them.

Saddam is a very nasty dictator, but that is all to the convenience of the scoundrels who are presently running US national policy. He is a godsend to them, a propagandist's dream. He is the excuse for advancing their desired world program to the next logical step.

And this war is not being waged to free anyone, it's being waged to secure oil and strategic interests in the Middle East and in the whole World, to the detriment of all nations other than the USA, Israel and the U.K.

And the whole World knows it (except behind the media walls of America).

There is indeed an Axis of Evil in this world, but it's not the one Bush has referred to in his speeches. Those are just his convenient scapegoats of the moment, his sacrificial goats waiting for the slaughter.

In the first Gulf War over 1,000 Iraquis died for each American soldier killed.

- LH