I have just downloaded the test version of this and tried it out. I used a high resolution scan, and was amazed how good it was. I used it to scan in and play back a version of Early One Morning from an old book (paper yellowing a bit) which showed the the melody line with words (which it also scanned) and the two staves of what is presumably the piano acompaniment. Out of the 20 bars (including intro) it highlighted just 3 notes as having an inconsistant time signature which were very easy to correct, and for one line the key signature had not been correctly identified, also easy to correct. It didn't highlight the incorrect key signature but when playing it it was very noticible as sounding wrong. I am not a computer geek, nor can I read music with any ease I was mostly just comparing what was in the original and playing spot the difference, the editing facility made this easy. I may well decide to buy the full official version, as I often find songs that I would like to sing but can't because I cannot sightread well enough to know what it should sound like from the dots.