The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57884   Message #912749
Posted By: catspaw49
18-Mar-03 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone changed their mind about Iraq?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone changed their mind about Iraq?
Do you grow up with a "rich kid/also bully?" There were kids who were one or the other perhaps, but occasionally you found the one who was both. He is now the President of the United States. There was never any greater satisfaction than nailing these clowns because they caved beautifully, but we have a problem here. Like any rich bully there is no way to call the bluff so it often comes down to the fight at the end before they collapse. But since Bush isn't the one fighting here, he truly has little to fearexcept not being re-elected.

The war will happen. If it goes badly in lives lost and/or money spent, he will not be re-elected. If it goes well, we have more young men and women left alive on all sides and are stuck with this Constitution trampling, mother fucking, piece of worm shit for another 4 years. I cannot turn away and from what I believe, that lives come first, but gawd, I wish I could. Megalomaniac worldleader with WMD's? The Prick from the Sticks is at the top of that list.

May it end quickly.
