The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57884   Message #912856
Posted By: Amos
18-Mar-03 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone changed their mind about Iraq?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone changed their mind about Iraq?

I have always believed that lives came first. The callousness with which both leaders destroy lives is enough to make me hurl.

The problem that makes me lose sleep at night is "lives when?. In this respect, I sympathize with Bushwah even while detesting him as a self-serving incompetent.

DougR, if the evidence you predict actually comes to light -- and it is not planted by Bushwah's bullboys -- my aplogy will be on a thread within 48 hours.

But I predict that it will not be necessary.

May the good Lord, whoever he is, make it brief.