The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57884   Message #913022
Posted By: Bobert
18-Mar-03 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone changed their mind about Iraq?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone changed their mind about Iraq?

A cynic cut in my mold! Yeah, I have this growing fear that "democracy", as we know it, is soon to be replaced with martial law. And with martial law, Boss Hog will ration out goods and services as the 8working class* will be asked to produce even more to satisfy Boss Hog's appitite, much like the "horses" did in Animal Farm, while the pigs consumed, consumed, consumed....

But even if there is not a chemical episode, which I seriously doubt we will see, my fears of martial law are still very real. I think that if Bush sees poll numbers that are close in '04 he'll pull the plug then. If not, forget '08. These folks are not like any folks who have ever taken power in the US. These are dangerous people...

Opps, Bobert has just performed a major thread drift...

