The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57884   Message #913098
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
18-Mar-03 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone changed their mind about Iraq?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone changed their mind about Iraq?
Amos I agree that Iraq represents a unique opportunity in the region, it has a relatively educated populace a rich history and abundant resources. It would also be nice to get some measure of vengance for the brave Iraqis who were slaughtered, while America looked on, in 1991. Helping Iraq become a democracy could rank among the greatest accomplishments ever for a US President. I have very grave doubts that the Bush Administration has the diplomatic skill to unite the factions in Iraq. They alienated so many of their allies with swagger and uncalled for insults. But maybe, just maybe, after the war Rumsfeld and his buddies will let Colin Powell do his job.

I have changed my mind numerous times on this issue. From moderately for intervention to completely against. Now that the die has been cast I support Mr. Bush because there is a huge job to do and he will need all the help he can get. I'd like to see him fall on his face but not if it costs lives. I also support Mr. Chretien. I would have been disappointed had Canada decided to buck the UN. Canada is still helping in Afghanistan and still a loyal ally to the US, but Canada has always supported the UN and after this is over, Canada will be where she belongs, ready to help pick up the pieces.