The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57846   Message #913137
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Mar-03 - 11:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions?
Okay, Jack, fair enough. I understand what you believe, and it's simply different from what I believe in certain respects.

I wonder if you get a chance, maybe you could read a very interesting book called "Bush's Brain", by two journalists from Texas, both of whom know Bush going way back, and evidently consider him a rather likeable guy.

If you do, give special attention to the last couple of chapters in the book "General Rove" and "The Baghdad Road" for some powerful insights into when and how and why Bush decided to go after Iraq.

The authors know far more about George Bush than you or I do, they know him personally, and they do not demonize him at all, but they do see some serious problems with his foreign and domestic policies.

I hope you do get to read it.

Sleep well.

- LH