The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57884   Message #913294
Posted By: AKS
19-Mar-03 - 07:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone changed their mind about Iraq?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone changed their mind about Iraq?
No change, I still think that if the US want to invade Iraq and kick out its present regime,

1) it will be a relatively easy mission, no doubt,

2) but the US (or rather the rest of the world) will be facing the problem how to introduce some basic elements of democracy to establish a widely enough acceptable government to prevent god-knows-how-long-lasting chaos or, even worse, civil war(s) in Iraq - not to mention what 'troubles' may indirectly be caused in the neighbouring countries,

3) while Al Qaeda and other 'networks' like it (weren't they named enemies in the war against terrorism in the first place?!) remain intact, though more motivated on vengeance, and thus more severe a threat to the US, the coalition and their citizens than before, probably severer than Saddam's Iraq ever would (have) be(en).