The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57925   Message #913514
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
19-Mar-03 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: Jerry Rasmussen, I need you!
Subject: RE: Jerry Rasmussen, I need you!
That'll teach me to walk away from my computer for ten minutes. Greg, you're a good man and I'd love to help you out, but there is a limit to our friendship. Like WYSIWYG, I don't want to knock praise music, because it has it's place and it's purpose. We all respond to different kinds of music in our own way. But, I can't help it that I've been a musician most of my life. I couldn't understand disco at all. It didn't make we want to get up and dance. It made me want to get up and leave. I don't respond to rap "music" well, either.
This may be the first time that anyone has lumped praise music, disco and rap together in one sentence. They all are rhythm driven (which I generally respond to.) But praise music is WAY too repetitive for me. I probably wouldn't like to listen to a CD of chants much either.
To me, praise music is often all gravy and no potatoes. But, that's just me... if the music does something for someone else, that's fine. But I sure wouldn't want to be forced to listen to it at home. Only a slight improvement over having someone playing loud rap music next door. Maybe you could crank up Losing My Religion by R.E.M., if you have it?

The Gospel Messengers are as much an anomoly in church music as Doc Boggs would be at a bar with a mechanical bull. I guess it's my basic folkishness that makes me want to do gospel that is accessible, that has good words, solid harmonies, memorable lines and lasts three minutes. We sang at a big concert a couple of weeks ago with 13 other groups, and everyone else had towers of amplfiers, keyboards, drums, electric basses and lead guitars... often doubling up. We're just four heads and one electric guitar with music coming out of them.

Jim, we don't have a CD finished yet, but if you PM me with your mailing address, I'd be glad to share the same CD Wilco has... a live concert (in contrast to a dead concert) we did in Washington, D.C. last summer. It's loaded with three minute songs.
