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Thread #57846   Message #914160
Posted By: GUEST
19-Mar-03 - 11:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions?
And now Mr. Hussein's only goal is to die. To be martyred - well the United States and Britain are going to assist that process.

Spaw - you have no clue what would have occurred had Saddam complied with the resolution. You can't read minds any better than anyone else. You don't "know" anything because, like the rest of us, you sit on the speculative spatula of life.

And for Doug - Yes he should have complied and yes the damn UN should have enforced it. And as Jack so eloquently pointed out, with proof I might add, that the US and Britain are well within their rights to wage war on Iraq. Very good debate Jack - my hat's off to you.

And the UN should not pass resolutions it has no intention of following through on. My personal opinion is that the UN is out of date, step and time. Good idea - just not quite ready for prime time.