The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57884   Message #914282
Posted By: Wolfgang
20-Mar-03 - 04:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone changed their mind about Iraq?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone changed their mind about Iraq?
I don't know whether you are going to count my vote as a Yes or a No, Greg, so I have to explain a bit more.

Yes, for during the last months I have changed slowly from undecided to a No to this war, mainly due to a dearth of convincing evidence from both the British and the USA governments. From press conference to press conference I considered their arguments weaker and weaker. And the frequent change of main reasons given for this war hasn't enhanced my confidence in both governments.

No, if you mean Mudcat's discussions have changed my mind. I didn't find the arguments from the contra-war side very convincing here. Too many of the No-people argue in a too emotional way for my personal liking (though I may be in a minority for wanting to hear arguments instead of emotions even in questions of death or war). Surely not the only one, but a notable exception for me on the contra-side is McGrath who always argues in addition to gut feelings. However, on the balance of the posts, if my only source of information would have been Mudcat I might have come out on the pro-side or still undecided.
