The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57927   Message #914464
Posted By: Beccy
20-Mar-03 - 10:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Counter demonstrations to support troops
Subject: RE: BS: Counter demonstrations to support troops
You pompous bunch of insufferable self-righteous demagogs. I may be in "enemy territory" as Joe so succintly put it, but I assumed that people were still capable of civil discussion without resorting to being close-minded, and demagogic.

As for you, specifically, Toadfrog- I don't see what business it is of yours to which threads I post. You are a jerk of the first degree. If you are so fond of music threads, why don't you stick to them yourself? I couldn't help but notice that the preponderance of threads you post to are BS in nature, which I would venture to say is well in keeping to form. If it wasn't so cute, I'd tell you to kiss my a*s. And you talk about cheap shots? You seem to be pretty good at delivering them yourself... My homeschool thread was to ask advice in teaching music to homeschooled children- How is that NOT a music thread?

You have undoubtedly been posting to the 'Cat longer than I have... That does not make you a Saint nor does it make you superior to me. I assume that this is either your forum to take out your frustrations on anyone with a dissenting point of view or that you're a real-life jerk. Either way, I'm through with you.

I would like to make clear one other point. I NEVER said that Natalie Maines was unpatriotic. I said she was a COWARD for delivering her pronouncement from a stage NOT in the USA. There is a difference and I stick by that. Now- can we PLEASE get this thread back to where it started? If you have a counter-demonstration to talk about, please tell me about it. If you don't, then I humbly ask you just say that you don't like the idea of one and leave it at that.   I do not go onto the "protest in case of attack" threads and spew anger at you. I ask, once again, that you observe the same courtesy in regards to my thread.

Joe- I respect your opinion, but surely you can respect mine as well. I think that it is not too much to ask to start a discussion and ask that people not attack the content of my character for positing an opinion (from a computer in the USA, I might add...) There are PLENTY of other threads that were started for the sole purpose of opposing the action in Iraq. Please, please, please allow me the ability to discuss this calmly without having personal invectives directed at me.

Thank you to those who have expressed support to me either publically on this thread or through PMs.
