The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57954   Message #914796
Posted By: David Ingerson
20-Mar-03 - 04:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: War--Really Began Now
Subject: RE: BS: War--Really Began Now
I sure hope this is wrong, because I'm already sick and sad and angry enough about the war. But I read an analysis reprinted in Utne Reader that if the United States can get control of Iraq's oil and can maintain strong influence over the oil in Kuwait, Qatar, and Venezuela, it might be able to destabalize OPEC or even render it impotent. The price of oil would become unregulated and plummet, allowing the oil magnates to reap huge(r) profits. In addition, the united states could control the flow of oil to Europe (some troglodites on this side of the pond see a united Europe as a potential enemy) and it would ruin the Russian economy which is apparently propped up with international oil sales.

Then we would show the whole world who is boss--and how democracy REALLY works.

It makes me sick and ashamed.
