The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57846   Message #915094
Posted By: Troll
21-Mar-03 - 12:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions?
Peace will be restored when the threat of Saddam Hussein no longer exists. We are not starting this war. This is the Gulf War continued. It never ended. There was simply a cease-fire, remember? Saddam didn't comply with the terms of the cease-fire so now we have to finish the job. And it is up to us. The UNSC has shown its total irrevalence by hemming and hawing with Iraq for 12 years with little or no action. If anyone is to blane for this war, it is the UN because they did nothing to enforce their resolutions.
For all the good the Security Council has done with its resolutions, it might just as well ahve stayed home.
Whether anyone likes it or not, the US is the big kid on the block and we are better equpied than anyone else to handle this sort of job. It isn't unilateral, by the way. Last I heard there are 45 other countries who have pledged support in one form or another.
